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Publication on Gaze Estimation

GazeHTA: End-to-end Gaze Target Detection with Head-Target Association

Zhi-Yi Lin, Jouh Yeong Chew, Jan van Gemert, Xucong Zhang. (under submission), 2024.


Unsupervised Gaze-aware Contrastive Learning with Subject-specific Condition

Lingyu Du, Xucong Zhang, Guohao Lan. arXiv, 2023.


Investigation of Architectures and Receptive Fields for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation

Yunhan Wang, Xiangwei Shi, Shalini De Mello, Hyung Jin Chang, Xucong Zhang, Technical Report, 2023.

[PDF] [Code]

Domain-Adaptive Full-Face Gaze Estimation via Novel-View-Synthesis and Feature Disentanglement

Jiawei Qin, Takuru Shimoyama, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke SuganoarXiv, 2023.

[arXiv PDF]

EFE: End-to-end Frame-to-Gaze Estimation

Haldun Balim, Seonwook Park*, Xi Wang*, Xucong Zhang*, Otmar HilligesCVPR Workshop, 2023.

[arXiv PDF]

GazeNeRF: 3D-Aware Gaze Redirection with Neural Radiance Fields

Alessandro Ruzzi*, Xiangwei Shi*, Xi Wang, Gengyan Li, Shalini De Mello, Hyung Jin Chang, Xucong Zhang, Otmar HilligesCVPR, 2023.

[arXiv PDF] [Project page]

Eye Gaze Estimation and Its Applications

 Xucong Zhang, Seonwook Park, and Anna Maria Feit.  Book chapter in Artificial Intelligence for Human Computer Interaction: A Modern Approach. 2021.


Self-Learning Transformations for Improving Gaze and Head Redirection 

Yufeng Zheng, Seonwook Park, Xucong Zhang, Shalini De Mello, and Otmar Hilliges.   NeurIPS 2020.

[Project page] [PDF]

Learning-based Region Selection for End-to-End Gaze Estimation 

Xucong Zhang,  Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling, and Otmar Hilliges.  BMVC 2020.


Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking

Seonwook Park, Emre Aksan, Xucong Zhang, Otmar HilligesECCV 2020.

[Project page] [PDF]

ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation 

Xucong Zhang, Seonwook Park, Thabo Beeler, Derek Bradley, Siyu Tang, and Otmar Hilliges.  ECCV 2020, accepted as spotlight.

[Project page] [PDF]

Photo-realistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhe He, Adrian Spurr, Xucong Zhang, Otmar Hilliges.  ICCV 2019.

[Project page] [PDF] [Code]

Content-Consistent Generation of Realistic Eyes with Style 

Marcel Buhler, Seonwook Park, Shalini De Mello, Xucong Zhang, and Otmar Hilliges. ICCVW 2019.

[Project page] [PDF]

Gaze estimation and interaction in real-world environments 

Xucong Zhang. PhD thesis.


Learning to find eye region landmarks for remote gaze estimation in unconstrained settings

Seonwook Park , Xucong Zhang, Andreas Bulling, and Otmar Hilliges . ETRA 2018.

[Project page] [PDF] [Code]

Revisiting data normalization for appearance-based gaze estimation 

Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, and Andreas Bulling. ETRA 2018. 

[Project page] [PDF]

Robust Eye Contact Detection in Natural Multi-Person Interactions Using Gaze and Speaking Behaviour  

Philipp Müller, Xucong Zhang, Michael Xuelin Huang, and Andreas Bulling. ETRA 2018. 

[Project page] [PDF]

It’s written all over your face: Full-face appearance-based gaze estimation  

Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, and Andreas Bulling. CVPRW 2017.

[Project page][PDF]

MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation   

Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Mario Fritz , and Andreas Bulling. TPAMI 2017.


Labelled pupils in the wild: A dataset for studying pupil detection in unconstrained environments  

Marc Tonsen, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling. ETRA 2016.

[Project page] [PDF]

Rendering of eyes for eye-shape registration and gaze estimation  

Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Peter Robinson, Andreas Bulling. ICCV 2015.

[Project page] [PDF

Appearance-based gaze estimation in the wild

Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Mario Fritz, Andreas Bulling. CVPR 2015.

[Project page]